12 Ways to Reduce Stress

It’s easy to get stressed. Work, family and activities can quickly overwhelm you if you’re not careful. You need to set time for yourself in between these commitments so you can manage your stress. Managing it can be hard, so HYDRO Infusions is here to help! We’ve compiled 12 different ways to reduce stress. 


Meditation offers both short-term stress relief and long-lasting benefits. As there are many types of meditation, try different ones until you find the one that works best for you. When you’re focused on the here-and-now, you won’t worry about past mistakes or future stress. By continuing to meditate, your overall stress level will also decrease as you get better at it. Practice makes perfect, after all.

IV Infusions

Sometimes vitamins are the best medicine. If you’re feeling down and stressed, an IV Infusion can help. We suggest using infusions containing Vitamin B, which regulates your energy and mood levels. This is critical in maintaining emotional health. HYDRO Infusions offers multiple infusions great for reducing stress! Our “Austin Airlines” Infusion is designed to support a healthy brain function, while “The MEGS (Myers)” contains four main ingredients crucial for general wellness: Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin B and Vitamin C. Both are great options!

Breathing Techniques

Breathing techniques can quickly and efficiently impact your overall stress level. Changing your breathing or focusing on your breath can calm your body and mind within minutes of starting. If you’re just starting, a simple technique is deep breathing in through your nose while slowly counting to three. Hold for one second before slowly exhaling through your nose while counting to three again.

Choose a Hobby

It might seem counterintuitive to add a hobby into your already stressful life. But you need to have some time set aside for things you love. If you do something you enjoy every day, it’ll relieve the stress of doing things you dislike. Choose a hobby that is somewhat relaxing yet entertaining. It could be something as simple as watching a movie or more complicated as working on an art project. Find something that makes you happy and distracts you from the stressors in your life.

Eat Healthier

It’s important to eat a well-balanced diet. By consuming the proper amounts of whole grains, fruit, vegetables and lean protein, your mood and body will start improving. Evaluate what your diet is like now and see what needs to be added or removed. If you’re eating high amounts of sugar and no vegetables, something needs to change. Also, be sure you don’t skip any of the food groups. Not only is it not good for you healthwise, but it can also negatively impact your mood, which then increases your stress.

Take a Break

Sometimes the best thing you can do to reduce stress is to take a break from it all. Give yourself a substantial amount of time away from your obligations. This helps your brain calm down while reducing your stress. This shouldn’t be a one-and-done situation, either. You need to have constant breaks if you want a lasting impact. During these times, do something that calms you. This could be listening to music or going for a walk. This gives your mind something else to focus on other than stressors.

Relax Your Muscles

Progressive muscle relaxation is when you tense one muscle group at a time, before relaxing and moving to the next group. You should do this until you’ve relaxed every muscle in your body. For people not used to progressive muscle relaxation, start by taking some deep breaths. Then you’ll start tensing and relaxing each muscle group, starting with your forehead before moving down. Not only will this relaxation technique help combat stress, but it’ll also reduce chronic pain and insomnia.

NAD+ Therapy

If you’re constantly feeling fatigued or stressed, NAD+ Therapy can help. NAD+, also known as the “helper molecule,” helps your body function. Designed to improve anxiety, mental awareness and concentration, NAD+ Therapy infuses the coenzyme directly into your bloodstream. This bypasses the digestive system, ensuring your cells get the full effects of it. Your mental fog is wiped away, increasing concentration and focus. Ask HYDRO Infusions about how NAD+ Therapy can benefit you!


Aromatherapy has long been used to reduce stress. The essential oils are used to send messages to your brain’s limbic system, which handles your memory and emotions. For stress, lavender (in oil form) can help calm the nervous system while lowering your blood pressure. This in turn helps the body feel more relaxed, reducing stress as a result. If you enjoy oils, candles, diffusers or other body products, aromatherapy sessions might be right for you.

Practice Yoga

Yoga provides the stress relief benefits you get from exercising, meditating, physical movements and controlled breathing. Encouraging physical and mental relaxation, you’ll relieve tension while also releasing mood-boosting endorphins into your body. These feel-good hormones help combat stress. With a plethora of yoga poses to choose from, find ones that’ll help release your physical blockages (muscle knots). That lack of tension will improve your mood.

Eliminate Your Triggers

What are the largest stressors in your life? Is it your job, a toxic relationship, etc.? Evaluate your life and identify what gives you the most stress. Once done, see if you can eliminate them from your life. If not, try to at least reduce them. It’s hard, but being able to remove certain stressors can be a game-changer. If you can’t figure out the main causes of your stress, a stress journal can help. Write down the moments when you’re the most anxious. If you’re consistently stressed during certain activities, those are your main stressors.

Reduce Your Workload

Similar to eliminating your triggers, you need to look at your to-do list and reduce your workload. By trying to fit 6 hours' worth of work into 2 hours, there’s no way you won’t feel overwhelmed. When going over your list, decide what you can walk away from. This could be an extracurricular activity or a committee you joined. Whatever you choose, by reassessing your workload and removing the excess weight, you can minimize your stress. Also, you can now focus more on the essentials and won’t have to worry about rushing through them.

Everyone deals with stress. It can easily consume you and make each day harder. That’s why it’s imperative to have stress relief activities. We’re glad HYDRO Infusions could help and we look forward to helping you live a stress-free life!


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