Body sculpting is a great option for a non-invasive treatment that helps you achieve the body of your dreams. But how do our services, truSculpt iD and truSculpt flex, compare to other options, such as plastic surgery or CoolSculpting? HYDRO Infusions has compiled multiple alternatives to body sculpting alternatives and compared them. We also delve into why body sculpting is superior to these techniques.


Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is the complete opposite of body sculpting, as it is invasive and involves surgical procedures, as opposed to body sculpting. Therefore, there are a variety of differences. Body sculpting treatments are non-invasive and can range from 15-45 minute sessions with no needed downtime. You can easily get back to your daily routine without suffering from pain or a long recovery, making it perfect for people who want to achieve results fast. When you undergo plastic surgery, the procedure can take hours and need weeks of downtime.

While you’ll have near-immediate results after plastic surgery, you’ll also have lingering mild to moderate pain from the surgical site until it’s healed, making it a longer recovery time. Many times this pain has to be managed with prescription pain medication. Body sculpting, on the other hand, is less painful with little to no discomfort during the sessions. There’s no need for anesthesia or pain medication, as there is in plastic surgery. If you want to get back to doing what you love quickly and painlessly, body sculpting is the preferred option.

Plastic Surgery


Liposuction is a surgical procedure to remove unwanted fat using a cannula and suction. This procedure removes excess fat cells which helps to slim and contour the body. The procedure is effective at removing fat in the most common problem areas – legs and thighs, abdomen, back, arms, face and neck. When compared to truSculpt, there are some large differences.

truSculpt iD uses controlled radio-frequency technology to break down fat cells. It is non-invasive with virtually no side effects and zero downtime. Treatment price varies depending on the area treated, ranging from $650-$2400 for various treatments. Liposuction, on the other hand, is usually one session and can range anywhere from $3500+ and has often up to 6 weeks of downtime, due to the scarring, swelling, bruising and soreness from the operation. truSculpt iD offers a painless, non-invasive road to your health goals, making it perfect for those who want to avoid a long recovery.


CoolSculpting applies targeted cooling to problem areas to freeze and eliminate fat cells, known as cryolipolysis. Both truSculpt iD and CoolSculpting are FDA-approved non-surgical fat reduction treatments, but have many key differences. truSculpt iD delivers targeted heat to permanently eliminate unwanted fat cells, tightens the surrounding skin and improves cellulite in 15-minute treatments while not harming your skin, blood vessels or other cells. You also don’t need a certain amount of body fat in the area to be treated. CoolSculpting, while also eliminating fat cells in 35 to 60-minute sessions, doesn’t tighten the skin or improve cellulite. It also can’t treat areas that don’t have enough fat for the applicator to latch onto.

Expect a permanent elimination of 20-25% of fat cells from CoolSculpting. However, there are a myriad of side effects, such as swelling, stinging, itching and more. truSculpt iD has a 24% permanent reduction of fat cells, on the other hand, with only a mild sensitivity to the touch and feeling warm and flush for less than one hour after treatment. It’s important to note that CoolSculpting and cryolipolysis have been recently under fire for significant reports of PAH. Paradoxical fat hyperplasia, or paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), is when the number of fat cells in the treatment area go up instead of down. With 60,000 diagnosed cases of paradoxical adipose hyperplasia (PAH), CoolSculpting clients have filed lawsuits claiming that this fat-cell shrinking procedure is directly related to the growth of more fatty cells, hardening the skin of the treated area. There is NO risk of PAH with TruSculpt! If you’re too busy for the long CoolSculpting treatments, our truSculpt iD offerings are the right way to go.



EMSculpt uses high-intensity electromagnetic energy to muscles in the treatment area causing deep supramaximal contractions. It helps build muscles, enhance fat metabolism and improve overall muscle tone in the treated area. However, due to the electromagnetic stimulation technology muscles can only be stimulated in only one direction. i.e. it doesn't twist and turn the muscle as the truSculpt flex does, it just performs a linear contraction. While the EMSculpt activates motor neurons there is no specific focal point. This means that it is less specific and effective at targeting muscle fibers than truSculpt flex. Plus, research shows that EMSculpt improves muscle mass by only 16%. truSculpt flex uses multi-directional stimulation (MDS) to deliver electrical energy in three different treatment modes: prep, tone, and sculpt. EMSculpt only uses one treatment mode. Research shows that truSculpt also increases muscle mass up to 33%.

The EMSculpt can range upwards of $5000 for a full treatment, which also consists of many sessions and only 2 areas can be treated at once. People also experience light temporary muscle soreness due to the rapid contractions. The truSculpt flex can treat up to eight areas at once and costs significantly less than EMSculpt averaging between $1400-$3000 which consists of 4-6 sessions. Side effects are minimal besides mild tenderness. Each truSculpt flex session is the equivalent of 54,000 repetitions per muscle group targeted while each EMSculpt session is around 20,000 repetitions. When comparing the two services, truSculpt flex ensures 100% of energy is absorbed by the targeted muscles, as opposed to 30-40% with EMSculpt, ensuring the most significant outcomes. truSculpt flex comes out on top!


There are multiple invasive and non-invasive contouring techniques available. Of those options, HYDRO Infusions offers what we believe to be a non-invasive, painless, and quick body sculpting technique that helps you achieve the body of your dreams. Founder & CEO Dr. Jeffords researched all options for body sculpting prior to making his decision on Cutera equipment. He states: “truSculpt offers the highest efficacy and with the most versatility compared to all the equipment out there. I really like how customizable it is. We can tailor our treatments to the individual and treat a wide variety of stubborn areas.” If you have questions about body sculpting and its benefits, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ll help you with all of your health and body needs.


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