HYDRO truBody is a customizable treatment plan to reduce fat and build muscle. This full-circle solution pairs the power of two complimentary devices - truSculpt iD and truSculpt flex - to maximize results and help you achieve your body goals faster.

This treatment is quick, comfortable, and customizable. Start your journey with a treatment to reduce fat and jump-start your muscle definition. Simply follow up with 4-6 muscle sculpting treatments to build muscle and customize your ideal shape.

Contact Us:

truBody Therapies at Hydro:

> truSculpt® Flex

> truSculpt® ID

> PCDC Injections

Two devices to help you achieve your goals faster.

truSculpt® Flex

truSculpt® flex is a personalized muscle sculpting treatment that adjusts to your fitness level, shape, and goals to strengthen, firm, and tone your muscles. truSculpt flex’s comfortable, safe, and effective technology is clinically proven to increase an average of 30% muscle mass tailored to your individual needs.*


truSculpt flex uses a unique Multi-Directional Stimulation (MDS) technology to deliver three treatment options by replicating intensified crunch, squat and twisting actions.


  • Faster - Up to eight areas can be treated in each 45-minute session.

  • Safer - The unique truControl™ technology provides safe and consistent results through targeted, selective, and customizable delivery with less energy needed.

  • Effective - Three treatment mode options are available to customize the results to each patient’s goals.

  • Muscle thickness increase - Clinical studies have shown an average of 30% increase in muscle mass.*

  • Versatile - Best of all, we can personalize the treatment for different fitness levels, body shapes, and goals.

Your truSculpt flex treatment consultant can provide all the details you need to make an informed decision about the procedure. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation!

*Stephen J. Ronan M.D. A Novel Bio-Electric Current Stimulation Device For Improvement Of Muscle Tone 7/2019. ©2019 Cutera, Inc. All rights reserved. AP002749 rA (7/19)

Helps With:

Abdomen • Love Handles • Arms • Quads • Glutes • Hamstrings • Calves

truSculpt® ID


The body you want, down to the last curve.

truSculpt® iD, a revolutionary non-surgical, body-sculpting treatment that allows you to personalize your ideal body in as little as one 15-minute treatment.

truSculpt iD is a safe and effective technology that is clinically proven to permanently eliminate fat cells in stubborn areas around your abdomen and flanks. With truSculpt iD, you can get the body definition you want, even in areas that have been resistant to diet and exercise.


  • truSculpt iD uses innovative Monopolar RF technology to selectively target fat and therapeutically heat it – until fat cells are eliminated by passing through the body naturally.

  • Average of 24% fat reduction is achieved in just one treatment.


  • This procedure is versatile and effective to treat a wide range of patients who may not be a candidate for other contouring procedures due to treatment location, skin type, fat thickness and presence of skin laxity.

  • The treatment has minimal discomfort and has been compared to a hot stone massage.

  • There is no visible downtime after the procedure and normal activity can be resumed immediately.

  • The treatment time is dependent on the treatment size and how many areas are treated. Treatment time is typically 15 to 30 minutes to treat the abdomen and flanks.

  • Typically, only 1 treatment is needed. Maximum results are visible after 12 weeks. Additional treatments may be required to achieve the personalized results you desire.

Your truSculpt iD treatment consultant can provide all the details you need to make an informed decision about the procedure. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation!

Helps With:

Abdomen • Love Handles • Neck • Arms • Bra Line • Legs • Knees

truSculpt ID

PCDC Injections

Sometimes, no matter how much exercise you do or how many different diets you try, you just can’t seem to get rid of the fat in certain areas of your body. If your stubborn fat deposits have got you down, then maybe there is something else you can try before completely throwing your healthy habits out the window! We’re talking about PCDC Injections.

What is PCDC?

Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and Deoxycholic acid (DC), both naturally occur in the body. Phosphatidylcholine is a phospholipid that makes an important neurotransmitter called acetylcholine. It plays a role in memory, movement, and metabolism and is used to reduce fat deposits in the liver and under the skin.

Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule found in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the subcutaneous fat found in the targeted areas, the combined power of this mixture can permanently reduce and dissolve stubborn pockets of body fat in small areas.

How Do PCDC Injections Work?

After identifying the area for treatment, the PCDC mixture is injected into the subcutaneous fat using micro-injections in a grid-like pattern. It destroys the membranes of the fat cells, allowing them to absorb the PCDC and become temporarily inflamed, hardened, and burst. This triggers them to release their contents and the fat and cellular debris are broken down and eventually eliminated by the body’s natural responses. Many clients can see results in as little as 6-8 weeks and may require multiple sessions to achieve the desired outcome.

Are You a Good Candidate?

If you prefer a non-surgical fat reduction treatment, PCDC injections are suitable. Ideal candidates should be in good health overall and have realistic expectations. They should also be a relatively stable weight and have no plans to gain significant weight. Candidates cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding.

What Happens During Your Consultation?

During your consultation, your provider will examine the areas where you want to remove unwanted fat. We’ll evaluate and discuss your medical history to ensure you are safe for the PCDC treatment.

An appropriate treatment plan will then be created based on the areas you are concerned about and the amount of fat you want removed. Your provider will explain the treatment plan, including the number of injections necessary for each treatment area and the estimated cost of the entire treatment.

Specific instructions may be given, including changing or stopping certain medications. Before we schedule your treatment sessions, we will address all your concerns so you can make a sound decision for your fat reduction goals.

Treatment Day Expectations

Your PCDC treatment can last from 30 minutes up to 1 hour, depending on the number of treatment areas and the treatment plan. Local anesthesia may be administered, but is usually not necessary, as well as 5 minutes of icing. A specific amount of PCDC will be injected based on the treatment area and amount of excess fat.

Aftercare Instructions

After your treatment, you can go home right away, although you might experience a stinging sensation for around 30 minutes or less after the procedure. Depending on the area treated, some patients may be able to go back to work while others will need 1-2 days of downtime/recovery. You may experience temporary redness, itching, swelling, or bruising during the downtime or for the first week.

Your provider will place ice over the treatment area and you will be sent home with post-treatment instructions along with the schedule for your next treatment session.

Cost of PCDC

The cost varies based on the number of injections and the dosage needed. Pricing information will be provided at your consultation once the treatment plan is developed.

What Areas Do We Treat?

PCDC injections can effectively treat small deposits of fat all over the body, including:

💧 Chin

💧 Bra Fat

💧 Backs of arms

For a consultation with a provider give us a call at 904-567-3998 or book a Body Sculpting Consultation.